Change the “forgot password” wording page of DotNetNuke
This is an old post I had on another blog. I was going through and old version of this blog and discovered that it has had several hits. I am also trying to consolidate these two blogs into one. So here it is again.
If your like me you don’t use some things in DotNetNuke the way that they are intended. Or maybe you just want to make it a little user friendlier. We use DotNetNuke just for the content management and not really to handle subscriptions. Our users do not register to use the site they are setup by an administrator, but we wanted users to be able to retrieve their password from the site without the need for an administrator. The default wording for the “Forgot Password?” says:
This isn’t very friendly, and really confusing if you didn’t register to use the site. So here is the hack to make this a little less confusing.
The is actually really simple. In the core code before you install it or in the upgrade code before you upgrade. Locate the SendPassword.ascx.resx in the following path {yoursite}/admin/Security/App_LocalResources.
Open the file in your favorite editor. Use the find function in the editor and locate the following data “SendPasswordHelp.Text” Here you will find the value is the same as above. Change the wording in between the value tags to what ever you choose and save the file.
Install or upgrade the site as usual and test the changes. If there didn’t take effect you may not have saved the file. Feel free to comment on the post or check out my other posts.